Failure. What a word. We've all experienced it in one way or another. Whether it be a failed business venture, a failed relationship, a failed commitment or a failed diet, we all know the misery that accompanies failure.
Because failure is never alone. It always walks hand in hand with shame and remorse followed quickly by despondency, embarrassment and hopelessness. And hopelessness is perhaps the worst because it lingers in the mind killing any imaginings of future victory.
Anyone out there hopeless? Anyone out there presently impaled on a stake of defeat?
Listen...if you think there's no hope, you're listening to the father of lies (John 8:44), the enemy of your soul (Psalm 143:3), the one who exists to steal your joy, kill your hope and destroy your peace (John 10:10). He's determined to keep you a failure and he'll use any means to accomplish his task.
But Jesus came to earth to die on a cross so that you might have LIFE (and hope)...and have it abundantly (John 10:10)! So fight, friend! Fight the enemy of your soul! Fight him with the following spiritual truths promised to all believers in Jesus Christ...
- God will soon crush the enemy under His feet (Romans 16:20)
- Nothing is too hard for the sovereign God who made the heavens and the earth (Jeremiah 32:17)
- God is the Restorer of streets and the Repairer of broken down walls (Isaiah 58:12)
- I DON'T HAVE TO BE A SLAVE TO FEAR because I'm a child of God (Romans 8:15)
- No matter what I've done or where I've been, or who I've hurt, or how I've failed, if I confess my sin, God is faithful and just to forgive my sin AND cleanse me from all my unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)
- God promises no condemnation on anyone who is "in Christ" (Romans 8:1)
- When I'm weak, I get to cry out to my "Abba Father" knowing Jesus is interceding to Him for me (Romans 8:15 & 34)
- I have an arsenal of spiritual tools at my disposal to draw upon when I'm weak (2 Corinthians 10:4)
- When I make my thoughts and actions obedient to God's precepts, I have supernatural power to demolish hopelessness, fear, shame due to failure (2 Corinthians 10:5)
- Obedience ALWAYS bring blessing, peace, contentment and joy (Deuteronomy 28:1)
- I am alive IN Christ because God is rich IN mercy (Ephesians 2:4)
- I'm blessed, chosen, adopted, accepted redeemed and forgiven because nothing can ever separate me from Christ's love (Ephesians 1:1-14 & Romans 8:35)
- Anyone who trusts in God will never be put to shame (Romans 10:11)
- God lifts me up to the heavenly places and puts a banner over my head that says LOVED (Song of Solomon 2:4)
You may think there's no hope after failure but if you have the Lord, your future is sparkling with the jewels of amazing grace. You're are clothed with salvation and draped in a robe of righteousness bought and paid for by the Servant-King Jesus Christ (Isaiah 61:10). How's that for some hope!?