Do I smell like Jesus?
Presently stationed in my room is the most beautiful bouquet of red roses and lilies. Every time I enter the room, I am overwhelmed by its fragrance.
And speaking of delightful fragrances, this morning I came across 2 Corinthians 2:15-17. I’d copied/paraphrased this passage in my notecards some years ago. I bring it up here because it’s a poignant reminder about our walk with Christ, our example to this world and our inability to maintain this example on our own. I wrote…
Don’t pedal the Word of God, but in sincerity, let Christ make me a sweet aroma to all I come in contact with. I am not adequate for what is necessary of me; only Christ’s fragrance on me keeps me from being stinky!
In other words, I can try as hard as I want to be kind, compassionate and full of zeal for Christ but, more often than not, I’ll stink at my task unless I’m covered with Christ’s aroma.
And how do I get this beautiful smell? Being with Jesus!
ANYONE who knows me personally KNOWS I preach this concept constantly. Why? Because it’s my (our) only chance of not smelling bad to those around me! Friends, if we don’t meet Jesus face to face each day (and I would argue each morning…but that’s another blog post), we’ll never be able to be a sweet aroma to all [we] come in contact with. There will always be someone in our path who deserves a sharp retort, a horn honk, a dirty look, an uppity attitude. But if we’ve already been bathed in Christ’s presence, our response does not have to reflect what’s been doled out.
So, go get a bouquet of roses. Every time you pass them it’ll be a reminder of how you are supposed to smell.