Life-changing Truth

Whether you’re a seasoned believer or a recent convert, we all need the following reminder: Nowhere in the Word of God (the Bible) is a command given that you and I cannot obey, no matter how difficult that command may be. Why? Because God always empowers what He commands.

Wow! What a soul-reviving relief and encouragement.

Because each of us is always in the process of sanctification - of being sanctified, of being set apart, of being made holy FOR God BY the power of the Holy Spirit that lives IN every true believer - each of us can and should feel renewed and empowered by this life-changing truth.

As you and I live our lives, there will always be areas where spiritual growth is needed (because we’ll never be fully sanctified this side of heaven). Areas include…

  • forgiving a friend or loved one (remember, we forgive BECAUSE we’ve been forgiven, NOT because they deserve it),

  • refraining from self-righteousness,

  • putting off bitterness, anger, wrath and clamor (Ephesian 4:31),

  • putting on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (the fruits of the Spirit as listed in Galatians 5:22-23),

  • ceasing gossip or unflattering speech (unflattering speech about anyone…even if they deserve it),

  • learning to think the thoughts of Christ,

  • growing in generosity,

  • etc.

    So, remembering our life-changing truth above, if God will never give us a command we cannot obey, then

  • the process of sanctification becomes a delight not a drudgery

  • the process of ‘being set apart‘ FOR God becomes something we long for not something we’re afraid of

  • the process of ‘being made holy’ FOR God via the power of our indwelling Holy Spirit becomes something we’re eager to strive toward not something that causes us anxiety

  • the act of worshipping the Lord authentically and repenting of our sins thoroughly becomes something we’re hungry to do not something we neglect.

I’ll say it again: This truth is life-changing. My prayer is that you’ll treasure it…just as I am learning to do.

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