Are you a Legal-ist?
Are you legalistic? I am, sadly. Actually, most of us are according to the Bible. We’re constantly inventing ways of getting into God’s good favor when all the while he simply wants us to rest in the Good News: We’re saved based on our standing in Christ NOT based on what we do. More on the gospel in a future devotion but, for now, I want us to define legalism and expose it in our hearts. It’s a painful process but it must be done. So, how do you know if you’re a legalist? Well…
- Do you make rules outside the Bible?
- Do you push yourself to try to keep your rules?
- Do you castigate yourself when you don’t obey your rules?
- Do you become proud when you manage to keep your rules?
- Do you appoint yourself judge over other people?
- Do you get angry with people who break your rules or who have different rules?
- Do you “beat” the losers – the ones who can’t keep the rules?
(Paraphrased from Tullian Tchividjian’s book “Jesus + Nothing = Everything”)
In essence, a legalist decides “if you behave, you belong.” You are defined by what you must do, what you must accomplish and who you must become. You consistently emphasize a rules-based system and you end up trapped in burdensome despair. It is the epitome of slavery.
Don’t you believe for one moment that the blessings of God depend on how well you’re behaving (or how well anyone else is behaving). Instead, consider this week the above definition of a Legalist and begin to do some soul-searching. Let God move you in the direction of his gospel plan. It’s a superior plan full of grace, love and freedom.