Are you a wimpy pray-er?

When it comes to my prayer life, I am more inconsistent then consistent.  You?  I mean well.  I KNOW that a dedicated prayer life not only drawers me closer to my sweet Savior but it solidifies my thoughts and prioritizes my actions. Yet, it seems I am never more tired or distracted or complacent than when it comes time to pray! But disciples of Jesus Christ can’t be wimpy pray-ers!  This is an oxymoron!  So how do I/we correct this pattern of complacency?  I strive for three goals:  Consistency, depth and thoroughness.

  • Beside all your quick little “ask for help” prayers, create a consistent time dedicated to rejoicing, repentance and intercession.
  • Base your prayers on the depth of God’s Word.  With scripture in front of you, you’ll never lack for the words to say that produce power and change.
  • Thoroughly address every area of your life.  Don’t just confess your sins and pray for your needs but spend time interceding for those around you, lifting up your spouse, pleading on behalf of your children, crying out for the sins of our nation, worshiping God for his faithfulness and thanking him for his provision.

The King James Version of James 5:16 says that “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”  In other words, confess your sin and pray a lot ‘cause it works!

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