...didn't I tell you?
When arguing with the King of Moab over an issue of national security, Balaam, God's man, spoke these words in Numbers 23:26. He said "...didn't I tell you that I can only do what the Lord tells me?" I love his confidence, don't you? If only we could all apply this same type of intensity and confidence to the "everyday" issues of our lives. If only, when speaking to our accountant, we could say "...didn't I tell you I can't cheat on my tax return?"
If only, when speaking to a fellow employee, we could say "...didn't I tell you I won't slander our boss?"
If only, when arguing with our spouse, we could say "...didn't I tell you that I made a promise to love you...no matter what?"
If only, when speaking to our children, we could say "...didn't I tell you that I can't lie in order to cover your absence at school?
If only, when speaking to a friend, we could say "...didn't I tell you that Christ forgave me...so I forgive you?"
What do you think? Time to go speak God's Words to someone...?