Head toward God

Remember at the end of the movie “Castaway,” when Tom Hanks pulls up to that 4-way stop, turns off his truck, gets out and stands at the intersection looking left and right?  After being marooned on a deserted island for four years, the many changes he’d returned to forced him to a figurative intersection.  What would he decide?  Would he head back in the direction of his past or would he forge on to a new beginning? At a similar intersection, the Lord tells His children in Israel and Judah to “stand where the roads cross and look.  Ask where the old way is, where the good way is, and walk on it” (Jeremiah 6:16a).  God was saying, in essence, turn from whatever situation is leading you backward and walk in the direction of the good, godly way because, “if you do, you will find rest for yourselves” (Jeremiah 6:16b).

Maybe you’re at a crossroads in your life.  Which way will you head; backwards or toward God?  I’ve been at this intersection of decision in my life and I can tell you with complete certainty that the ONLY direction to head is the one that leads you toward God.

  • It may require a change in your cranky attitude…but do it…head toward God.
  • You may have to evaluate a relationship or two…but as hard as it is, head toward God.
  • It could mean you have to give up an unholy habit…just at least start heading toward God.
  • It may causes you some discomfort or demand and apology from you…but, with a humble heart, make your way toward God.

In the end, you might find joy in the decision OR you might head there kicking and screaming.  Regardless, head toward God; it’s the only way to find rest for your soul and peace in your life.