As I type, much of the continental US is struggling with the highs and lows of springtime weather. Just when you get your lawn mowed and you think it's time to "get out in the sun," it begins to rain...again! And, when "April showers bring May flowers" fails to keep your hope alive, the doldrums of winter tend to creep back into your heart.
Well, when your heart resonates with Psalm 42:6 - "My God; my soul is downcast within me," replace it with Psalm 72:6-7a - "May the king’s rule be refreshing like spring rain on freshly cut grass, like the showers that water the earth. May all the godly flourish during his reign."
My prayer is that, wherever you are, you'll find your hope in God...not in the weather. You'll let His “rule” refresh you and not deter you and you'll let His “reign” make your heart flourish and dance. Then, when the springtime sunshine comes back out, you'll have an entirely new reason to praise God.
And don't forget; before you know it, you'll be prayin' for rain!