How do we know the answer?

People ask me all the time how they can know what God wants them to do in a particular situation. Maybe they’re searching for His will in terms of a potential job change or struggling with a variety of relationship challenges. Maybe they’re miserable about their marital status (married or single), confused over a financial matter or laboring over a wayward teenager. These and many other similar questions are excellent examples of things we need answers to. But how? How can we know God’s purpose and desire in any given situation? Well, Proverbs chapter 2 makes it pretty clear. It says “My child, listen to me and treasure my instruction. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Search for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure. THEN you will gain knowledge of God. You will understand what is right, just and fair, and you will know how to find the right course of action every time. For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of good sense to the godly. He is their shield, protecting those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of justice and protects those who are faithful to him” (verses 1-5, 9, 6-8).

Could it be any more clear?

  • You stay faithful to him (not to yourself) and walk with integrity (keeping yourself from improper actions), and…
  • He’ll give you insight into your quandary.
  • You tune your ears to his instruction (spend consistent time with him) and cry out for understanding (use your daily prayer time to plead your case) and…
  • He’ll show you the right course of action when you’re unclear.

It’s true: God will never fail to show up with the answer you need if you strive to put him and his biblical precepts in the center of your circumstance. The key? It may not be the answer you were looking for…but it’s the answer you need.


…wanna get blessed?

Written by julie.tate on 11/21/2011

Who needs help in your life?

  • an unloving spouse
  • a difficult neighbor
  • an ornery teenager
  • a critical mother in-law?

Hebrews 10:24 says “Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds.”  Whether this person deserves your help or not, God wants your attitude to be one of love and concern for them.  He loves them and longs for them to come to a place of repentance and change and he promises that whenever you encourage them and/or do something for them “in His name,” it’s as if you’re doing it literally for him (Matthew 25:40)!  So…

  • even though your spouse shows no affection to you, consider thanking him or her for their faithful work ethic;
  • even though your neighbor leaves trash everywhere, consider offering to rake the leaves on the portion of your property that borders theirs;
  • even though your teenager can’t find a kind word in their vocabulary, consider making a list a 5 things they do well and put it in an email to them as a form of encouragement;
  • even though your mother in-law can only come up with “suggestions” for how you should be doing “it” better, invite her to coffee when she’s in town for Thanksgiving and spend some time building up your spouse (someone you both love).

You do these things selflessly and in Jesus’ name and you’ll be able to watch those relationships change in front of your eyes.  And if the change takes some time, that’s ok.  In the meantime, Jesus will be blessing your socks off for being obedient to His Word.