How many sins did you commit yesterday?

How many sins did you commit yesterday?  Five?  Twenty?  One hundred?  This morning I tried to count yesterday's sins and, to my shame, I lost track. But this is where daily Bible reading really comes in handy.  In the midst of my shame, guilt and discouragement, 2 Corinthians 5:19 was part of this morning's scheduled reading in my "read through the Bible in a year" program:  "...that is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them."  Really?    Yesterday's trespasses are not counted against me because of Christ?

Wow.  What a truth.  What a promise.  What a motivator.  So I run, once again, to the place where it all happened, to the foot of the cross.  There I gaze, without shame, into the face of the One who lovingly stayed there 'till even tomorrow's sins were covered by his blood.  Songs of rejoicing flood my mind...

  • "'Man of sorrows,' what a name for the Son of God who came...ruined sinners (me) to reclaim.  Hallelujah, what a Savior!"
  • "There is a fountain filled with blood wrought from Immanuel's veins.  And sinners plunged beneath that flood (me) lose all their guilty stains."
  • "Once condemned (me), now reconciled; broken (me), now healed.  That's the power of the cross.  See the chains fall."
  • "No guilt in life, no fear in death...this is the power of Christ in me."

Fully assured of my place in Christ, I confess fully and repent thoroughly.  Discouragement and guilt leave because of the love I feel.  The chains fall down to my sides and I life my hands in praise.

What a way to start the day, clean and forgiven.  I know I'll be back here tomorrow.  But tomorrow I'll receive the same grace I received today.  And it's this fact and this fact alone that motivates me to live differently today.