Promised Land
While preparing to cross over the Jordan river and into the promised land - the land God swore to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the land "flowing with milk and honey" - two of the tribes of Israel (Gad and Reuben) came to Moses and said "we would rather live here, on the east side of the Jordan" (Numbers 32:19). Maybe at the time this decision made sense (for economic geographical reasons), but I'm struck with the fact that they intentionally requested to forfeit "the promised land"; their land promised to them by God. What a decision!
But we do it all the time. God's Word outlines "promised lands" for us (peace in our marriages, contentment in our jobs, insight in our parenting) yet we choose to "do it our own way."
We choose to say "I'd rather...make a lot of money and see where that gets me; I'd rather...sit in the pew and listen instead of serving in the nursery; I'd rather...hold onto my bitterness, it gives me power."
Man, when God promises something to you, that means that that "something" has got to be the best "something" for you specifically. And to intentionally forfeit God's best for you because you think you know better doesn't make sense, does it?
Are you IN God's "promised land" for you? If not, why not figure out how to get outta there right now and go pitch your tent in the land God's promised you. I PROMISE, you'll never want to go back.