
Do you sometimes feel that people all around you are getting away with bad things? Maybe it's more personal than that for you: Are there people in your own life, family members perhaps, who are treating you badly, pulling you down, making things hard? Listen, people like that - quarrelers, liars, mockers - "they get theirs in the end" as the saying goes. Not just because it's the natural course of things but because God is in control. Two verses specifically articulate this point.

First, Job 4:8 says "I have noticed that people who plow evil and plant trouble, harvest it." You see, in the natural course of life, people don't get away with being bad people. It may seem like it for a while but we can't see the whole picture.

Second and most important, Galatians 6:7 says " Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." Simply put: If someone is being cruel to you, they are in big trouble with God; He won't let them get away with it.

Don't these passages help you to be able to "press on" as the one on the receiving end? Now the only thing to worry about is being careful to never be the one dealing out the hurt...