The Great Reversal
Yielding leads to joy. It doesn't seem like it would but it does. It seems like we're not supposed to yield but instead move forward daily trying hard to NOT be a doormat; making sure no one cuts in line; making sure we are "heard." It's definitely the world's way of approaching life but it's not all it's cracked up to be, huh? When we strive in this way, our days actually become more stressful; more entitled. Why? Because there's a constant fighting going on: A fighting for self and self's rights. And this fighting produces the opposite of joy, that's for sure.
Yielding self's rights creates joy though. It's kind of a mystery how it happens but it does happen. When I lay down my right to have things the way I want - the way self wants - I'm miraculously happier. When I focus on the fact that Jesus yielded himself for me therefore I yield myself to others, a supernatural peace comes over me; the kind of peace only the Spirit gives upon my yielding. It sweeps over me like a gentle breeze and offers me thorough assurance that God's looking out for me (so I don't have to look out for myself). Then suddenly, 2nd place seems like 1st place..because it actually is 1st place in God's economy.
Matthew 20:16 (The Message) Jesus, telling the Parable of the Workers said "Here it is again, the Great Reversal: Many of the first ending up last, and the last first."