Which one are you?
Don’t you love that Jesus came to earth to minister to us sick people? When the Pharisees complained that Jesus was having dinner with the scum of the day – the tax collectors, the adulterers and the gentiles – Jesus answered them saying “healthy people don’t need a doctor – sick people do.” He continued to clarify by saying “I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent” (Luke 5:31-32). Where do you fall based on Jesus’ description of those who need him? Are you thinking ‘I’m pretty good. I’ve never murdered anyone or cheated on my spouse. True, I struggle with a bit of impatience and I’m occasionally irritable, but, in general, I’m doin’ pretty good.’ Or are you thinking ‘wow, I am struggling in multiple areas. I desperately need help; the kind of help that only Jesus can give.’
Well, if you’re thinking the later (like me!) I’ve got great news: Jesus came to earth to redeem, heal and forgive people like you and me. He came to “seek and save those who are lost;” lost in temptation, lost in unhappiness, lost in unbelief. In short, he came to set us free!
Are you lost? Come to Jesus. There you’ll find healing for the present and hope for your future.