Who's guilty?

I ran into a girlfriend recently while riding my bike.  We updated each other on our lives and shared concerns about the need to keep life "in balance."  She said she felt guilty over the fact that, in the busyness of life, many things remained untended.  I concurred and then tried to encourage us both with some spiritual nuggets.  I didn't go far enough though.  If I could do that part of our conversation again, I would say something like this:

"Oh friend, guilt is not something a christian needs to be burdened with.  Why?  Because the penalty for our guilt was already paid for by Jesus on the cross and then ratified in our lives the moment we accepted his payment for our sins.  In short, he took the blame, we get the relief.  All that's left then is the healthy conviction that comes from the Holy Spirit when we've allowed lesser things to take the place of God in our hearts.  Once the Holy Spirit has pointed out a priority we've let get out of wack - either through carelessness or willful disobedience - our job is to repent of the sin and use his help to get things back into order.  'Guilt' is never a part of the equation."

To be clear, as believers, we're all "guilty as charged" of sins past, present and future.  But, atonement was made for these sins by Christ so we presently stand justified before a Holy God (justified = just-as-if-I'd-never-sinned).

Such a better nugget, huh?

Romans 5:1(kjv) - "Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."