Who's your enemy?

Who or what do you consider an enemy?  Your mother in-law, a chocolate chip cookie, the dentist, alcohol?  How ’bout fear, body image, jealousy or worry?  These and countless other opponents act like saboteurs in our day-to-day existences.  They rob us of our peace and steal our self-esteem.  They inhibit our ability to strive for holiness and they act like a ball ‘n chain around our ankles. I don’t know about you, but MY enemies beat me up all day, every day!  They keep me in a perpetual state of warfare and threaten to trample me to the ground at any moment.

But my God is greater!  I know from personal experience that he IS greater!  He is greater than each situation I face and stronger than any enemy I fight.  And he can do for you what he does for me in any given scenario.  Consider these biblical references to how God helps us fight our enemies:

  • Psalm 25:15 - My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues me from the traps of my enemies.
  • Exodus 15:6 - Your right hand, O LORD, is glorious in power. Your right hand, O LORD, smashes the enemy.
  • Isaiah 33:21 - The LORD will be our Mighty One. He will be like a wide river of protection that no enemy can cross, that no enemy ship can sail upon.
  • Psalm 62:7 - My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.
  • Psalm 142:3 - In the path where I walk a trap is hidden for me…[but] you, Lord, know the way out. 

Amen!  The Lord knows the way out!  Let him help you as he’s helped me.  God is greater than any battle you fight and he’s ready and willing to help you in your time of need.