Relief from the Pressure
Over the last year, God has been closing in on me with regards to all the noise in my head. By ‘noise’ I mean the ceaseless loop of accusations that keep me focused on myself: my failings in personal standards, my ongoing guilt, my unworthiness (I feel like I should be worthy based on the many blessings I’ve been given...which is really pride!). By ‘closing in on me’ I mean he’s slowly but surely, not letting me get away with all the above baloney! In short, as a pastor at my church recently said “my soul needs rest from the constant accusations…because I'm falling short, hopelessly short.”
But oh how sweet my Savior is. Not only did he save me from eternal separation from God, but there is an ongoing saving that takes place daily when I yield to his lordship. Jeremy Riddle’s song perfectly describes the dynamic between me and my Savior right now: “At the cross you beckon me, you draw me gently to my knees, and I am lost for words and so lost in love, I’m sweetly broken, wholly surrendered.”
How’s the noise in your head? Distracting? Follow Jesus to the foot of the cross. There’s true relief there.
If you'd like to listen to Jeremy's song, follow this link to YouTube: