
The concept of joy can be an ambiguous "fruit of the Spirit."  We know we're supposed to be "joyful in spite of hardship," and that the "joy of the Lord is our strength" but more often than not, this fruit is still not growing like it should on our spiritual trees. Why is this?  I think it's because we're always trying to find joy in ourselves rather than in Christ (because humanity is, by nature, self-centered).  We think that if we can just follow the advice of this catchy little sunday school ditty, we'll find some:  "J.O.Y."

"Jesus and Others and You, what a wonderful way to spell joy.  Jesus and Others and You, in the life of each girl and each boy.  J is for Jesus 'cause He takes first place; O is for others you meet face to face; Y is for you in whatever you do.  Put yourself last and spell "JOY."  

Although this concept is biblically accurate, it's incomplete because it still places the task of finding the JOY on us. We think  'If I can just put Jesus first, others second and me last, I'll find joy.'  But this endeavor is destined to fail because it's us-centered rather than Christ-centered.

It's only in a cooperative effort between you and the Holy Spirit that true joy will ever be found. John MacArthur explains it perfectly when he says  "True christian joy is directly related to godly living:  Christ is joy's source; obedience is joy's sustenance."  As you worship and praise your precious Savior - the One who gave his life for you - you are driven to obey him out of sheer love (remember "We love him because he first loved us" 1 John 4:19).  And this loving obedience in turn kindles joyfulness that is produced and fanned by the Holy Spirit.

Do you get it?   Joy comes from Christ but it's your obedience that sustains it.

Here's a prayer that will get you started.  "Lord, I need joy...which means I need you!  Help me not to rely on my Christian actions to produce joy in my life but instead use these obedient offerings to catapult me into your presence.  Once there, I know I'll experience daily joy - even when times are hard - because when I'm in the presence of the Author of joy, joy will flood my soul.  Amen."

By the way, if you're interested, you can click on the following link to hear a "home" version of the above sunday school song:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7ctspHsMrI


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