Are you ready to meet Jesus?

I recently lost someone I loved, someone who knew and loved the Lord. His final declaration was “I’m ready to go see Jesus.”

As he waited for his God-appointed arrival in heaven (5:34pm actually), he spent his last breaths making sure those he loved had assurance of their salvation. No frivolous talk about the “big guy upstairs,” just the simple diligence of a man heading to his eternal home not wanting to let one life be lost while he still had time.

As friends comforted me in the aftermath, one pondered ‘I wonder what it is like to meet Jesus face-to-face?’

Well…whilst feebly attempting to comfort the bride of this loved one, I got my answer to this question from the countless hymns that played ‘round the clock on YouTube. Their words tell the story…

  • No One ever Cared for Me Like Jesus

  • He Looked Beyond My Faults [and saw my need]

  • I Know Who Holds My Hand

  • The Old Rugged Cross

  • Lead Me Home [precious Lord, lead me home]

  • Through It All [I’ve learned to trust in Jesus…]

  • Rock of Ages […be of sin the double-cure, cleanse me from its guilt and power]

  • Jesus, Just the Mention of Your Name

  • Burdens are Lifted at Calvary

  • There is a River [a fountain that frees the soul from sin]

    There it is…a short yet accurate “WHY” meeting Jesus face-to-face will be humbling yet extraordinary!

Do you know for sure that when your eyes close in death they’ll next open to the Savior of your soul…the One and only Son of God, Jesus Christ?

Oh the peace this assurance provides. You don’t have to hope you’ll see Jesus face-to-face. You CAN know for sure! Contact me if you have any doubts.

“…so I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, ‘till my trophies at last I lay down. I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it someday for a crown.”

Julie TateComment