God Never Wavers
Crying now as I write this post; crying for several reasons actually.
First, because I have not written or taught the Bible in so long; this makes my heart hurt. I love to write and I need to be teaching but God had put me on a sabbatical.
Second, because in spite of this, his love for me (and you) endures. Through Covid, through illness, through the loss of my church, through the highs and the lows of married life and counseling young adult children, the love of the Lord endures. As the the lyricist writes “If there’s one thing I can be sure it’s that the love of the Lord endures” (Joy Williams).
Third, because the Lord reminded me of these beautiful facts this morning and, in his own gentle way, sort of freed me to come out of my sabbatical to begin to write this blog again. Writing this blog has always supplemented my deep desire to tell everyone everything about what the Lord is teaching me/showing me in his Word during my daily times spent with him. And this morning was no exception. What was different about this morning was that, while I was bursting at the seams to expound on 2 Corinthians 1:17-21 to ANYONE who would listen, I somehow felt the Lord urging me to head to my computer and begin to “expound.”
So, may I “expound” for a moment please?
In the above-referenced passaged, the apostle Paul is explaining/defending himself to the Corinthians because they were questioning his motives. In verses 18-20a (NLT) he says “As surely as God is true…my yes means yes BECAUSE Jesus Christ, the Son of God, never wavers between yes and no…He is the divine Yes - God’s affirmation. For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in him” (emphasis mine).
If you are reading this right now, please stop and revel in the significance of these verses. God NEVER wavers between yes and no! Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for you and for me, if you are a believer, all of God’s promises are true, they are “yes” and God never wavers between yes and no! What a relief, huh? Psalm 130:3-5 (NLT) says “Lord, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O Lord, could ever survive? But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you. I am counting on the Lord; yes I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word.” AND HE NEVER WAVERS; his promises remain true.
As I pray that I will write again soon, I pray also that you’ll bathe in the assurance this passage of scripture provides while you simultaneously return again soon to this blog, for I have much to say!
Thank you reader and, more importantly, thank you Lord.