No Fear, Just Love

Just imagine if everything we thought today was posted on our Instagram feed tomorrow. EVERYTHING. (Heavy sigh.........long pause......hang head low......). We’d lose all our followers, wouldn’t we?! Yeah, there’s some good stuff in there but oh…the not so good stuff. The criticism, the panic, the self-righteousness, the annoyance, the envy. Need I go on? But it’s ok though ‘cause no one knows, right? 

God knows (Psalm 94:11).

Now what?

Well, for the child of God – for me - the fact that God knows what I’m thinking is not cause for panic but instead an opportunity for me to submit to some of his tender discipline and training so that I can be free from this grossness that floods my mind at any given moment. Let me try to explain.

These ugly thoughts of mine are an offense to God, right? He loves these people I’m standing in judgment of. He has compassion for these people I’m annoyed with. He’s applauding many of these people I’m jealous of. But as his child, he has compassion for me in my weakness too (thank goodness) and welcomes me into his loving discipline so that I can become more like him in my thoughts and actions towards these people. He forgives me thoroughly when I ask, he cleanses me ‘till I’m white like snow and then he sends me back to Instagram and helps me love these people like he loves them. Then and only then do these merciless thoughts of mine subside.

It’s a beautiful thing being a child of God. No fear, just love. All up-sides. No down-sides. Even the discipline is an up-side. If you’re not a child of God and want to be or not sure if you’re a child of God and want to be, message me. There are many, many more up-sides I’d love to share with you!

Psalm 103 The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He knows how weak we are. He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him (8-14 part, emphasis mine).