The Explicit Gospel - Thursday mornings (weekly)

Thursday September 12, 2013 - Thursday May 8, 2014

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The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest news ever proclaimed to humanity.  Yet many believers have a limited grasp of the power of the gospel.  This Bible study, taught and hosted by Julie Tate, makes explicit its multifaceted truths by defining its saving power and then articulating what it does for believers after salvation.

Through large group teaching, homework, and video presentations, the group will be challenged to embrace and rely on the gospel to grow in Christ-likeness, to persevere in the faith, to serve others in the power of Christ and to celebrate the believer's eternal redemption.

In addition to “The Explicit Gospel,” the group will begin September by reading/discussing a short pamphlet-style book by Dr. Timothy Keller entitled “The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness.”  This extremely short three-chapter education on the human ego guides the believer away from the traps the ego sets and points us toward the freedom the gospel provides.

This weekly Bible study – a community of women dedicated to Bible study, prayer, fellowship and serving others – meets at the home of Julie Tate in the Reston/Oakton area of Northern Virginia on Thursday mornings throughout the school year.  For more information, send us an email via the contact page.  If you’d like to join us, please submit the registration details below.  Once registered, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration. Also included in that email will be a link to order your two books as well as any other pertinent information you'll need to know (directions, etc).

I hope you decide to join Thursday morning Bible study!

Julie Tate
