Are you gospel-humble?

Gospel-humility is such a great thing. Why? Because it keeps us in check while simultaneously reminding us of who we are in Christ. For example, today, when I watched a man in the grocery store parking lot leave his grocery cart in the middle of the parking space next to him (rather than return it to the front of the store), I self-righteously thought "shame on that man; he should have put his cart back where it belongs." Immediately, the concept of gospel-humility came to my mind - I'm SO bad someone had to die for me yet I'm SO loved Jesus was glad to die for me.

Let me break it down.

  1. Humility - I'm SO bad someone had to die for me: Forget about that man, I've lazily left my cart in the parking space next to me countless times. Who am I to look down on that man?  I'm no better than him.
  2. Gospel - I'm SO loved Jesus was glad to die for me:  God loves that man and he loves me, whether we're inconveniencing others by leaving our shopping carts where they don't belong OR whether we're doing a good deed for our neighbor.  God's love is pure, righteous and unwavering when we fail (whether I fail or that man in the parking lot fails).

So, to say it another way:  Gospel-humility keeps the reality of God's extravagant love and forgiveness for me and others in the forefront of my mind. Gospel-humility also causes me to adjust my sinful thoughts toward others when I'm reminded of the sin that plagues my own life.

I hope this story not only helps clarify the gospel in your mind but also keeps you from leaving a grocery cart in an empty parking spot!

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