
Don't you just love singing carols at Christmas time?  I do.  I love singing carols and I love the words of the carols.  The first verse of "O Little Town of Bethlehem" is one of my favorites.  Will you ponder with me the picture this verse describes so that it's punch line will be all the more effective?  See this little town far off on a hill; see a star-filled, chilly evening with the wind softly blowing; see the town's people asleep and quiet for the night.   Now, remembering that Mary has just given birth in a stable and she's resting quietly in the promise made to her by the angel, hear the melody of the carol: "O, little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie.  Above the deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by.  [And] yet, in thy dark streets shines THE everlasting Light!  The hopes, the fears of all the years are met in thee tonight!"

Can you see it?  Can you see the star shining down like a spotlight on this small town?  Are you seeing Bethlehem as the God-ordained location for the birth of the One who would "meet" all of your hopes, all of your fears?  Everything that makes up who you are was satisfied on this night in this dreamy little town:  Christ was born for you and for me; He was born to die so that we might have life through belief in His name.  

Nothing compares to the promise given us in Bethlehem.  What a night!

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