
Anticipating Christmas is something we all do. Just this morning I was day-dreaming about how excited my children are going to be when they open their gifts on Christmas morning. Knowing this to be a typical emotion most parents experience, Jesus used it to teach his disciples (and us) about effective prayer. In Matthew 7: 9-11, Jesus said "You parents...know how to give good gifts to your children...[imagine] how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask."

What a concept! God wants to lavish us with gifts - and not just at Christmas either!  Jesus said "...keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you." God wants us to keep on asking so He can keep on giving the whole year through.

Have you quit knocking? What has gotten in the way of your prayer life? Complacency? Anger? Frustration? I encourage you to correct the situation today and start praying again. God has a wealth of special gifts just for you this Christmas season.

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