Jeremiah 17:9 says “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things,and desperately wicked.Who really knows how bad it is?" Yep, it's not a pretty picture but it's what the bible says: humans are not basically good inside, they're basically bad. Because of original sin, mankind is tainted from the moment of birth. And even when, upon understanding that Jesus paid the price for that tainted-ness (sin), we accept his free gift of salvation, sinful behavior is always knocking at the door of our hearts, begging to be acted upon. True, at the point of salvation we're made "new in Christ," but our "old nature," the one we're born with, is always threatening to bring us down...and often, it succeeds.
Thankfully, it doesn't matter what "old nature" activities currently plague us; God loves us unconditionally. And, what's better, He proves that love on a daily basis by granting forgiveness to any sinner who asks. Singer/songwriter Chris Tomlin said it perfectly: "You see the depths of my heart and you love me the same/You are amazing, God."
Have you ever contemplated that? God knows the deepest part of your heart (the place where it's deceitful and wicked) and He loves you just the same! It doesn't seem fair does it? Well, that's the point: It's not fair, yet Jesus died for you and me anyway.
What an amazing God!