Are you clean?
The goal of every believer is to stay "clean and surrendered" before the Lord. When you are clean - not perfect but instead sins confessed, life surrendered - there is no limit to what God can do in you and for you. But that's another topic for another time. Below is a simple list from Psalm 25 of the things this Psalm suggests will help keep your heart clean and your life surrendered:
- Wait patiently for the Lord: Don't rush his timing, you'll always regret it - verses 3 &21
- Be humble: Resist the urge to have to be right or tout your own merits or think "more highly of yourself than you ought" - verse 9
- Keep the Lord's covenant: Those conditional promises made to humanity by God for the purposes of maintaining a sweet, communal fellowship -verse 10
- Keep his testimonies: Supply evidences of who He is and what He does - verse 10
- Fear the Lord: Live your life maintaining a healthy reverence and respect for the One who is your ultimate source of love and security - verses 12 & 14
- Keep your eyes on him: When your gaze shifts, so do your priorities - verse 15
- Take refuge in him: He is the ONLY sure source of protection and comfort - verse 20
- Always have integrity: Dishonor and deceit are sure-fire ways to reap God's discipline - verse 21
- Practice uprightness: You can always count on right-living (righteous living) to lead you in the right direction - verse 21