Be careful!

When are we typically careful?  Well, we're careful to put on sunscreen and careful to teach our little children how to cross the road.  We're especially careful when using a knife in the kitchen and we say 'be careful' when sending our teenagers out alone for their first drive.  Yes, being careful means 'please be cautious,' or 'be especially attentive' or 'be keenly watchful to detect danger' (vigilant). So, when leaving the children of Israel with a book of reminders and instructions (the book of Deuteronomy), Moses told them over 30 times to be careful.  He said "If you listen to these commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today, and if you carefully obey them, the LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you will always be on top and never at the bottom" (Deuteronomy 28:13).  In other words, if you're careful to obey the Lord and his precepts, the advantages that'll be yours will be endless.  For example:

  • You'll know how to say 'I'm sorry.'
  • You'll be thankful for what you have and not longing for greener grass.
  • You'll have peace even when you're facing a difficulty.
  • You'll be kind even when the other person is mean.
  • You'll have grace under pressure.
  • You'll be able to keep your promises.
  • You'll never be alone.
  • You'll have an open line of communication with the God of the universe.
  • You'll speak wisdom when necessary (and keep your mouth shut when necessary).
  • You'll 'love your neighbor as yourself.'
  • You'll have strength even when you're tired.
  • You'll be the one in the group that's able to resolve conflict.
  • You'll bask in the arms of God's redeeming love.

Yes, if you carefully obey the Lord (using the help the Holy Spirit provides), these and countless other benefits will be yours.  Where are you on the careful-meter?