God's mulch
My son has been working on a landscape project in our backyard (due to his most unfortunate grades on recent report card). He's cut a new edge between the flower beds and the grass, sprayed all the weeds with weed killer and then flipped the dead weeds over in preparation for the grand finale - mulch. As he began to spread wheel barrow loads full of mulch onto the weedy, uneven ground, he said to me 'mom, this is like what God does in our lives, huh?' I couldn't agree more. When we confess and repent of our sins, the weeds and uneven terrain of our lives are killed and smoothed over by God's merciful forgiveness. Then, as we rely on him in the ongoing process of sanctification (the gradual, growing lived-out righteousness we pursue), he helps us by cutting a straight path toward his kingdom purposes, Finally, on a day to day basis, he covers our guilt and shame with his endless love.
God's mulch - mercy, grace, forgiveness and love - covers our sins and beautifies our lives. What a wonderful Savior we serve (and what a great kid I have).