Christ Died for Us!

Romans 5:8 - "But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us!"  What a verse!  Do you feel the weight of the last four words? 

  • Christ - God's one and only Son;
  • Died - suffered an excruciating death complete with torture, betrayal and darkness;
  • for - with the object or purpose of...
  • Us - you and I; sinners who ignore Him, question Him, take Him for granted and reject Him.

In summary:  God's one and only Son suffered an excruciating death - complete with torture, betrayal and darkness - with the object or purpose of you and I - sinners who ignore Him, question Him, take Him for granted and reject Him.

Again I say, what a verse!  Doesn't it make you want to fall on your knees and praise and thank Him for all He's done for you?  Why not try it right now?  Drop to your knees, just for a moment, and humbly recite the above summary.  The confidence you'll get from the humility you've demonstrated will change the course of your day.