Jesus is the Cornerstone of my life. Can you say the same? Psalm 118:22 says "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone." Many people reject Jesus daily: Some by not claiming Him as God, others by not allowing Him to be Lord of their lives. Regardless, He's still the chief cornerstone; the only solid foundation for living; the Stone that holds all the other "stones" in place. What do I mean by this? Well...
relationally, He's the only foundation for harmonious living;
vocationally, He's the only foundation for lasting success;
emotionally, He's the only foundation for well-adjusted living;
philosophically, He's the only foundation for sound thinking;
morally, He's the only foundation for clean living;
intellectually, He's the only foundation for pure, rational processing;
spiritually, He's the only foundation for eternal life!
I've come to realize, after years and years of trial and error, that without His solid foundation, I flounder. Let Him act the Cornerstone of your life. Let Him be the Stone that holds all your "stones" in place.