
Psalm 147:16 says "He spreads the snow like wool..."  That's what God did out my window this morning:  Spread a perfect blanket of snow over everything I can see.  Before the cars and the snow plows get to it, it's pristine. "Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin" David requests in Psalm 51.  God's answer:  You'll be whiter than snow once I've washed you.  Encouraged by this answer, David makes another request:  "Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me."

Generous in love and abundant in mercy, God grants David's request...and ours if we ask.  He wipes us clean, cleanses our hearts and scrubs away our guilt.  Then, if we're willing, He establishes a pure heart within us; a heart that holds new and right desires.  He promises to save us from our uncleanness (Ezekiel 36:26, 29) and restore our joy over His salvation.

Do you want to be clean?  Do you need a fresh start with a new heart?  Ask God - he'll make you clean and white as snow.