Do it for Jesus
Recently, my daughter and I went to the gym together; me to work with a trainer and her to run on the treadmill. Before long, my trainer had graciously invited her to join in to our exercise routine. While jumping back and forth between my daughter and I (trying to train us simultaneously), I detected a bit of indecision in her: Should I train Julie more since she's the actual paying client or should I try to split the time equally? What she didn't understand because she's not a mother yet is that, for me, when you're doing something special for my daughter, it's like you're doing something special for me! While my heart surged with love not just for my daughter but for my trainer's special deed, I was immediately taken in my mind to Jesus' words to his disciples in Matthew 25:40. He said "I tell you the truth, anything you did for even the least of my people here, you also did for me." In other words, whenever I care for someone unlovable, or serve a fellow believer, or respond in patience to my spouse or prepare a meal for a neighbor, it's as if I am doing it for Jesus.
So, as my trainer blessed me by caring for my daughter, so my good deeds are like a blessing and service to Jesus. What a great motivation, huh?