Is your list in order and up to date?

Last week we checked out the Biblical promises w/benefits found in 2 Peter 1.  This week I want to continue looking at the same passage only this time I'll outline our responsibility as believers with regards to these promises. Peter, a self-proclaimed slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, clearly states what should be our obligatory response to the "great and precious promises of those who share the same precious faith we have."  He says (I'll put it in bullet-form) "In view of all this:  

  • Make every effort to respond to God’s promises;
  • Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence;
  • And moral excellence with knowledge;
  • And knowledge with self-control;
  • And self-control with patient endurance;
  • And patient endurance with godliness;
  • And godliness with brotherly affection;
  • And brotherly affection with love for everyone."

Can you examine this list and see pretty quickly where your response is not as it should be?  This is SO important to do because the above list of 'believer-responsibilities' builds on itself so that if you're lacking in one specific area, the whole shebang falls apart.  For example:

  • Are you struggling in the area of self-control?  Because without self-control you'll never find patient endurance.
  • Maybe your standard is a bit low in the area of moral excellence.  And if this is the case, it shows you haven't been supplementing your faith properly (prayer, Bible reading, repentance, accountability).
  • Speaking of that, ARE you reading, praying, confessing, repenting, rejoicing each day?   Because if you're not (or your time with Jesus is shallow and perfunctory), you'll struggle in the area of self-control.

Get it?  Peter sums up why this list and its order is important:  "The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But those who fail to develop in this way are shortsighted or blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their old sins" (verse 8-9).

Blessings to you my faithful readers...