Do you need help?

Do you need help?  Well I've got good news.  2 Chronicles 16:9 tells us that "the eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." Picture the God of the universe's all-seeing eyes scanning the horizon; searching for someone in need of comfort, stability, hope, love.  And when He locates that weary soul, He stops and provides the resources they need to make it through. But did you catch the condition in the verse? He's actively seeking to help us but, the help actually comes for those "whose hearts are fully committed to him." This is very important to understand because, if you're not fully committed to Him yet expecting His help, youcan become very disillusioned with your opinion of God.

My advice?  Take a week to prayerfully examine your life in detail.  Humbly acknowledge where some areas in your life may be "out of step" with biblical principles then, ask God for the courage to make some changes.  This process may take a while; you may have some deeply entrenched patterns that need a bulldozer to remove.  But, as soon as you even begin to tackle at least one thing God has shownyou, the God Who's eyes were scanning the horizon will stop at your life and do what's necessary to give you the strength you need to make the appropriate adjustments.  He'll plant Himself firmly by your side and be the God you've always dreamed of - the Lover, the Helper, the Convict-er and the Encourager you've always needed.

So, what are you waiting for?  Why not start today?