Do your words bring life or death?

It's so easy to let snippy little comments come out of our mouths, huh?

  • I already told you where my purse was!
  • Don't you know how to follow directions?
  • If you'd put your keys in the same place every time, you wouldn't lose them...
  • I sent you a text but you never check your phone!
  • Wow, you're gonna help me with the dishes?
  • You never do your best, only the bare minimum.
  • If you didn't dilly-dally in the mornings, maybe you'd be on time for once.

Regardless of whether the above comments are true and/or deserved, the Bible calls us to a different standard of speech.  Consider Proverbs 10:11: "The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain."  Ouch!  Are your words life-giving or death-promoting?  If your typical comments produce casualties not confidants, you are not in line with God's Word.

Why not write down Ephesians 4:29 on a note card this week as a reminder to correct some of the negative things that are slipping from your lips?  Instead of the above slams, try the following comments that build up:

  • I really appreciate your help with the dishwasher this morning...
  • Thanks for fixing the faucet in the powder room...
  • Is there a way I can help you this week...
  • I'll send you a text later today to remind you of that appointment; I know you have a really busy schedule today...
  • I love the way God made us different:  You shine when you're working outside, I enjoy organizing a closet.
  • How was traffic?  Driving in rush hour can be stressful, huh?

Ephesians 4:29:  "Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them."