Does your daddy love you or scare you?

Christianity is different than any other religion because it's based on love, not fear. Because of God's extravagant love for mankind - a love he proved by sending his son to the cross to pay the price for their sins:

  • Christians are not enslaved to a church or institution (they worship God, and God alone);
  • Christians are not fearful about their place in the next life (like my Buddhist manicurist confessed to me );
  • Christians are not in bondage to a bunch of rules (they obey voluntarily out of pure love for the One who saved their soul);
  • Christians are not killing others in order to reap honor from Allah (they busy themselves with the spread of the good news);
  • Christians are not subject to sacred undergarments, holy sacraments or the drudgery of certain rites and rituals so that they can gain access to their god (they can approach God's throne of grace boldly and with confidence to "receive mercy and find grace" (Hebrews 4;16).
  • Christians are not hoping and praying they'll measure up when standing at the gates of heaven (they have a blessed assurance based on scriptural truth)

Romans 8:15 says "So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children.  Now we call him, "Abba, Father."   Did you hear that?  Christians are not fearful slaves to the state of subjection other religions pile upon their followers.  No, they are adopted sons and daughters who are freely accepted by their God and get to call him "Daddy!"

So, all that's left to ask is who's YOUR daddy?