Don't let the devil win!

Whatever you're about to do once you finish reading this devotion I challenge you:  Don't let the devil win!

  • If you're at work, don't let him win by doing less than your best when "the boss" isn't looking.
  • If you're shopping, don't let him win by being a poor steward of your money.
  • If you're doing the dishes, don't let him win by being tempted to complain that no one's helping you.
  • If you're married, don't let him win by being indifferent to your spouse.
  • If you're involved in an argument with a friend, don't let him win by failing to humble yourself.
  • If you're parenting a child, don't let him win by barking out idle threats.
  • If you're sitting down to pray, don't let him win by being less than fervent.

As a recent devotion pointed out, the devil is against you - he hates you - and he works overtime to make sure you struggle all the time.  Fight him; fight him with all your might.  Be like the psalmist who said "I chased my enemies and caught them; I did not stop until they were conquered" (Psalm 18:37)