What temps you?
What tempts you?
- ...too much food?
- ...trashy beach novels?
- ...someone other than your spouse?
- ...laziness?
- ...cheating on your taxes?
- ... raunchy TV?
- ...intemperance?
- ...jealousy that leads to overspending?
The devil - the enemy of all that is right and good - is a master manipulator. Right this very moment, he's lurking in the corners of your heart, assessing your weaknesses and determining what tasty morsel of sin will temp you to slip away from being all that you can be spiritually. I love the way The Message version of the Bible translates 1 Peter 5:8. It says "The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping."
But, there's good news! You're not alone! Psalm 142:3 says "In the path where I walk a trap is hidden for me. But you, O Lord, know the way out" (emphasis mine). What a promise...the Lord knows the way out! He already knows your "way of escape" and wants to help you take it.
Let him; he wants to help.
Use him; he'll pick you up and carry you if you're too weak to do it on your own.
Trust him; he ALWAYS has your best interest at heart.
He'll lead you away from that thing that temps you so that you can begin again to serve him once again.