Easter Monday

In her song "Higher," Cindy Morgan sings about what Jesus might have been thinking as he hung on the cross.  Knowing we, his children, could never have life without His sacrificial death, Jesus hangs in simultaneous despair and victory:  Despair over God's apparent abandonment; victory over what his death was accomplishing - Life! What is this LIFE Jesus was accomplishing on the cross?  Children can laugh and play, husbands can sacrificially love their wives, work can be fulfilling.  Mothers can reunite with their daughters, friends can cease to gossip, business dealings can be fair and balanced.

It's true, Christ's death accomplishes so much in our everyday lives.  His death means freedom from shame; it means humility where pride once dominated; it means grace can flow from our lips regardless of what our ears just heard.  It means life.

On this Monday after Resurrection Sunday, why not take a moment and thank Christ Jesus for all his death has accomplished in your life.