Fair or unfair?

Grace is a tough concept to grasp.  Mostly because it's so foreign to our natures.  For us, everything is supposed to be fair.  But when grace enters the picture - getting something we don't deserve - it just doesn't feel right.  And then when you add to it what our sinful minds naturally do, it really gets tricky.  Why?  Because day in and day out, we're constantly judging ourselves and others:  This person deserves grace but this person certainly doesn't; I'm better than that woman, but that woman over there is certainly doing better than me. It's why God's Word is so vitally important to our survival in this world.  Without it and its clarification on the matter, we're destined to do one of two things:  Either spend our time judging ourselves (and others) as deserving of God's grace, thinking 'hmmmm, I'm doin' pretty good' OR feeling ashamed and unworthy, thinking 'man, I'm so bad, God could never love me.'

But God's grace is far-reaching and undeserved by everyone, not just the ones we deem worthy or unworthy.  It covers the prideful heart that thinks it's doing okay AND the desperate heart that feels out of reach of God's forgiveness.  Ask him to saturate your heart with the concept of grace.  It'll help to keep you humble AND provide the proof you need of God's unconditional love for a lost world (including you!).

Romans 5:20-21:   God’s law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant. So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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