...Got your passport?

Do you feel close to God?  I don't mean in general but literally right this moment?  I ask because I was reminded this morning that our closeness to God is predicated on the cleanliness of our hearts. In Isaiah 57, the Almighty God has a lot to say to his children - and his children's enemies - via the prophet Isaiah.  Besides foretelling the disaster that awaits those who actively reject Him, verse 15 describes where closeness to God originates.  It says For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:  "I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit..."

The word contrite means to show clear remorse.  And to have a lowly spirit means to be humble in attitude, behavior or spirit.  Often times we forget to check ourselves this closely.  We read our Bibles and go to church on Sundays and spend time confessing sins yet neglect the deep crevasses of our lives where pride hides.  Consider the following hiding places:

  • You'll find it in your silent opinion of others...
  • You slip it into friendly conversations ("I can't believe she did that!" forgetting ...but by the grace of God, go [you] (Romans 12:3)...
  • It shows up when you're re-telling a story that highlights your successes...
  • It's there when you're embarrassed about something (because embarrassment comes when something personally awkward or unflattering has been exposed)...
  • It lurks in your excuses...

In short:  It's everywhere!  So stay on your toes.  Isaiah 57:15 clearly states that personal humility is the ticket for intimate communication with God; it's like a passport right into his presence.

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