Fighting sin

Sin is a big deal.  We’re all born with its horrible seed planted deep within us. It taints our actions and motives everyday no matter how much we love the Lord. And we’ll only be free from it completely upon our entrance into heaven when we receive our new, glorified bodies. So what’s a believer to do with sin’s pesky presence in our daily lives?  Besides becoming a new creation in Christ by having your heart cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus, try these time-tested principles for fighting sin’s daily onslaught.

First, take steps to remove from your life any idols that are weighing you down (remember, an idol is anything that masters you and/or takes the place of God in your heart).  I’m presently fighting an idol in my life.  Like a tick whose head is deeply implanted under the skin, I’ve finally given the Lord permission to grab it with a pair of spiritual pliers and slowly but surely pull it out, head and all.  Trust me, the process is painful but the freedom I already feel is far greater than the pleasure of the idol.

Second, think about what you’re putting in your mind on a daily basis that might be dulling your senses to spiritual things.  Think about it:  Most of us have not committed murder or adultery yet we’re fine to watch it glorified on TV.   Seriously, how can we be passionately in love with Jesus while we simultaneously entertain ourselves with the trash that sent him to the cross?

Finally, KNOW that you cannot defeat sin by sheer willpower.  It won’t work.  Only by cooperating with the Holy Spirit can you begin to respond appropriately to His convicting work with regards to sin and it’s ugly ramifications.

Don’t be casual about sin in your life.  Fight it.  If it was bad enough to send Christ to the cross, it needs your consideration.