Follow like Simon
Are you at a crossroads in your life; wondering what’s next, strategizing over your best move?
- Maybe a job change is in order because your kids need more of you at home.
- Maybe your marriage is on the brink of disaster and a certain relationship of yours needs to be forfeited for its survival.
- Maybe complacency has crept into your prayer and devotional life so that the only time you’re actually communicating with God is when you need something.
Why not be like Simon in Luke 5:11? When Jesus said to him that he’d move from fisherman to a fisher of men, Simon “left everything and followed Jesus.” Are you prepared to leave everything and follow Jesus? Leave your bad habit, your best friend, your mother? Leave your childhood dream, your unsaved boyfriend, your dirty movies?
Do it.
- Follow Jesus down the path of insight and understanding.
- Follow Christ as he heads for the cross. Follow God in perfect justice, mercy and humility.
- Follow the Holy Spirit as he guides you through sticky situations.
If you do, your life will change. And, the peace you’ll come to know will be worth every sacrifice you’ve made along the way.