...from my mother's womb
Abortion and the effects of its industry are reeking havoc on our society. Between the recent videos about Planned Parenthood's despicable practices and political party platforms celebrating the right of a woman to destroy the life growing inside her, we believers must know where we stand and know why we stand there. I've made it my practice to highlight any verse in my Bible that even vaguely addresses the right to life issue (and we shouldn't be astonished at how many I've found in reading the Bible through year after year). Just this morning, in Pslam 71, I read these astounding words: Upon you I have leaned from before my birth (in utero); you are he who took me from my mother's womb. Rescue me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of the unjust and cruel man. In you, O Lord, do I TAKE refuge. My praise is continually of you (71:6, 1, 4). These verses remind us of several key principles with regards to the issue of abortion:
- Pre-born children are every bit as reliant on God as we are
- It is God who ushers each precious life into this world
- Pre-born children need rescuing from those who intend them harm
- God is a protecter of the born and those pre-born
- We should continuously express our gratitude to the One who gave us life.
I could go on and on offering Biblical observations that clarify Almighty God's opinion of abortion but let me simply conclude with this impassioned personal definition: Abortion is murder no matter how carefully folks try to define it. It's the taking of the life of a pre-born person who was perfectly planned by a loving God to live out their pre-determined objective for his glory and for his kingdom purposes here on earth. And any political candidate who would vote to stamp out that life before it's had the opportunity to live out that pre-commisioned function should never receive our vote in the ballot box.