God never gets tired

One of the many, many benefits of being a Christ-follower - of being a dearly loved child of God - is that he, the sovereign Lord over all creation, the same God who "loves you with an everlasting love" never sleeps.  Psalm 121:4 tells us "Indeed, he who watches over [you] never slumbers or sleeps." What a promise!  When you and I go to bed tonight, God won't.  He'll stay with us 'round the clock; loving, interceding and guarding not just us but also those we've loved and prayed for throughout the day.

I take God up on this promise all the time with regards to my children.  In fact, to remind me, I wrote this phrase on a notecard:  "He who keeps ________________ never slumbers."  Oh the peace I feel once I fill in the blank.  My heart is calmed and my mind can rest knowing that the God who loves me (and loves my children) is "on the clock" even when I'm not.

What name do you need to write in the blank so that your mind can rest?