He loves me...

With the sun rising on my face during a morning run, I was stopped dead in my tracks listening to the words of a Chris Tomlin song (two songs actually).  The bridge of the first song says "Everything You hold in your hands [and] still, you take time for me...I can't understand."  Even at this moment I'm taken aback at the simple depth this sentence holds:  The God of the universe, who has "got the whole world in His hands" still pays attention to me; little 'ol me.  And not only does He pay attention to me but "[He] sees the depths of my heart and [He] loves me the same..." (another Christ Tomlin song).  Who else "sees" your thoughts and still loves you?  Who else knows your deepest shame and still loves you?  God does.  And He proved that love by sending His Son to the cross. 

Yes, He loves you all right...just like He loves me.  Why not thank Him for that Love right now?