"There's still hope for me today because the God of heaven loves me." This is a line from a song I've just learned and I can't help repeating it over and over again throughout the day. You should try it..."there's still hope for me today 'cause the God of heaven loves me." It says it all doesn't it? There IS hope today. No matter what happened yesterday, God is real and available today. No matter how bad things got yesterday, there is forgiveness today. Not matter how worried you are about tomorrow, God is here today; He'll help you sort things out, make wise decisions, and make amends where necessary.
Ezra 10:2 says "...but in spite of this there is hope." In spite of all that's occurred in your life; yesterday or ten years ago, there is hope because of God. Don't be afraid to "hope" in Him. Don't be afraid to say "God, I need your help. I know you can clean me up and give me a fresh start. Do it God...I need it."
Have hope...the God of heaven loves you; He loves to see His servants do well (Psalm 35:27) and He longs for you to put your trust in Him.