Christ in You
“Christ in us” means a difference in the way we handle things. It’s true: With Christ, typical “daily life” situations are handled differently; they’re handled better.
For example, a stressful moment in a grocery store can be managed with grace and patience; a “falling out” with a friend doesn’t need to be permanent; a dispute with a co-worker can be resolved without hurt feelings.
I recently uprooted some plants while attempting to back out of a driveway. And what could have been an awkward conversation over reimbursement obligations turned out to be a polite transaction based on an honest assessment of blame. This is because, with Christ in me, I can be graceful under pressure, I can refuse to be uppity and instead, I can handle things with His help which means, I acknowledge my mistake, ask for forgiveness and then make restitution without resentment...period.
Yes, when Christ lives in you, there’s a free-flow of power; an open valve, so to speak, between you and Christ so that your tendency to react “fleshly” in any number of circumstances will be replaced with a desire to “put on Christ” and His persona in everything you do. It really works and it saves you a lot of stress in the long run.