How's your fruit?
People love to quote the bible verse "Judge not lest ye be judged" (Matthew 7:1). It somehow releases them from condemnation regardless of what they're doing. People forget to quote Luke 6:44, "Each tree is recognized by its own fruit." This verse reminds us that we are all to be bearing spiritual fruit and our lives will be recognized by the quality of fruit we produce. So, while we like to think of ourselves as mini-islands, free from the constraints people place on us because the bible says they're not allowed to judge us, the bible clearly states that our Christian lives are on display and that we are to uphold a righteous standard before God and our on-lookers. And further, these on-lookers have a right to consider the kind of fruit we are producing and then develop an opinion of us based on that fruit.
Look at the "fruit-list" the apostle Paul was striving for while speaking to the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 6:1, 6). He says "As God's partners we...prove ourselves by:
- our purity
- our understanding
- our patience
- our kindness
- the Holy Spirit in us
- our sincere love."
What kind of fruit is growing on your tree? Make sure it's healthy, vibrant and delicious...because the world is watching.